Monday, 14 April 2008


well i havnt made a post in ages, felt as if i should post a new blog as a few things have gone on n stuff

well first, i totally fucked up my exams, well, its not that i fucked up rly bad, i just didnt do as well as i should of, which is very annoying

second, eve is fucking mint, 26 days from a hulk, which means once i have a hulk i dont need to pay for eve every again, which is cool. The corp also got fucked as we had 3 other corps declare war on us, didnt really help us at all.

third, ive decieded i am going to go to prom, and i think i know who im going to ask to go with me, just got to find the right time to ask her, so yay!

fourth, im home alone tomorrow night, which sucks as i wanted to go to the firestation for a steak >.< but thats not gonna happen now :(

well apart from these ive just got lots of revision to do, and lots of cod4 to play

and thats it for now